
By compiling the hassle of finding a doctor, and whether they take your insurance or not, with knowing the initial cost of the medical procedures and having insight on what to expect at the hospital. We are supporting a connection between doctors and their patients, by helping make the complicated system of finding a doctor and knowing the price easier. Extending help to those with health insurance or without health insurance. Our vision is to reveal the costs of medical procedures with an easier and more effective user friendly and intuitive website that connect doctors and patients and create a community to support everyone in need of healthcare. Private insurance regularly lag behind public insurance. Exorbital will help maintain, on its website, accurate and current directories of doctors, clinics and medical institutions, especially mental facilities.

Simpler, Easier, Better

Exorbital seeks to solve this problem through the community, by having data and information readily available on the website with accurate directories, unlike insurance companies. We will provide a space that allows users to save time and money. So never again will you have to sit hours on the phone with your insurance company, sending you to multiple representatives. Turning multiple phone calls into one click on Exorbital’s website

Medical bills shouldn’t be frustrating. The plan is to stop 25% of Americans from skipping out on getting healthcare because of the cost. We want people to feel confident that they can deal with their medical issues without hassle. 

Providing a free space, our website, for people to self report, so that everyone can save time and money. A website and app filled with understandable information about health procedures and practices. That will help with the integration of healthcare, connecting the people to their providers, more seamlessly than ever before. Assisting people in their search for ‘in network’ doctors, and if they are taking patients or not while bringing more to the table in order to make healthcare more accessible and affordable. 


The primary reason, Exorbital started after after one of our board member’s personal experience with the American healthcare system. This is his story:

My family came to America, because it is the land of opportunity. We lived a good life where we came from, but when I was younger my parents realized that my higher educational goals and career aspirations were not possible in my home country. Within a year of moving my father was diagnosed with a rare form of Myasthenia Gravis, in addition to cancer.My father lived cancer-free for nine years, however, it came back in December 2019. Before COVID-19 reached the United States, he started chemotherapy.  Our family was sure that he was going to beat it again like he did after his initial diagnosis. But on March 18th, 2020, while I was in the UK, he was hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms in Sarasota. Luckily, he did not have the virus, his system was clear, he was supposed to be fine. Or so we thought.  But as the days went on, we realized that something was amiss.  

This sense of uneasiness was compounded by the fact that the doctors were swamped, and the hospital offered little explanation to my family as to what to expect both medically and financially. For the most part my mother was left in the dark as to what was going on.  Sadly, my father passed away, March 25th, 2020, at the age of 45. Within three days of his death, my mother received a hospital bill in the amount of a quarter of a million dollars.  Needless to say, in the middle of our grief this came as a huge shock.  The hospital had provided no healthcare estimates beforehand, therefore she was not prepared for that enormous bill.  Where was the transparency? As a result of this situation I started researching the healthcare system and gained an understanding of its flaws, especially the insurance system. I spoke to people to try to garner knowledge of their personal experiences with the system and eventually I created a self-reporting system to help these people help themselves. Although my father’s disease was rare, I believe that our story as it relates to the healthcare system is not unique.  I firmly believe this system should not be as complicated as it is, and that we as citizens should fix it ourselves.

Our Philosophy

We can’t wait for big companies or the government to fix it for us. We the people should find a solution together.

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